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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Selfie : More Than Just A Picture

by Wong Zhiwei  |  in thoughts at  8:24 AM
"Food, random puppies, selfies, babies, more selfies" That's probably what most people see on their Instagram feeds. Selfies get so common that they get annoying sometimes. But we tend to forget that behind every action is a story, just like suicide victims. People say they're stupid to take away their own lives and running away isn't the solution. Do they really understand what... Read More »

Friday, February 7, 2014

Valentine's Day Celebration Ideas (Both Couples And Singles)

by Wong Zhiwei  |  at  8:37 PM
Valentine's Day! A day to cherish the love between you and your other half! Sadly it's not that simple. As usual, men have to think of creative ways to impress their girl. A typical night at the movies will make your girlfriend shout CHEAPSKATE and a bouquet of flowers with chocolate will make your girl yell OLD-SCHOOL.  On the other hand, single folks will... Read More »

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Why A Good Product Name is Important

by Wong Zhiwei  |  in marketing at  8:44 PM
I'm not a marketing expert. But I don't think 'Octopussy' is the best name for a mobile phone. I'm not gonna lie - I laughed for quite a bit when I saw this. But hey! Names don't reflect the quality (and nature) of the product. The problem is, many people judge based on their first impression, and brand name definitely leaves an impact. Here... Read More »

Monday, January 13, 2014

My Apologies!

by Wong Zhiwei  |  at  4:49 AM
  Argh I feel so bad for not being able to blog for more than a week! I've been busy with lots of things. One of the things that has kept me really busy so far is college which started just last week so I'm still playing around with the schedule to see how much free time I have.   I've also been working... Read More »

Sunday, January 5, 2014

8 Reasons To Play A Guitar

by Wong Zhiwei  |  in music at  2:30 AM
 I love my guitar and I love playing it. There's just something about the sound of a guitar that attracted me to it and I guess that's why I started playing. If you haven't picked up any instrument yet, this is one instrument you definitely should learn and I'm going to tell you not just one, not just two but EIGHT reasons why.... Read More »

Friday, January 3, 2014

Bucket List for Couples

by Wong Zhiwei  |  in romance at  9:16 AM
 "Bucket list - a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime."   I'm a romantic guy. I like the idea of cuddling with my girlfriend (yes I have one) all day long while love songs are on replay in the background. I want to take my girl to all sorts of places and make... Read More »

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Must Watch Stand-Up Comedians

by Wong Zhiwei  |  in videos at  2:33 AM
I'm a big big fan of stand up comedy. I didn't really laugh much when I was a kid because I had enormous cheeks (I still have comparatively big ones now) and it made laughing or even smiling very tiring to my face muscles. I'm serious. Apparently laughing makes your face less round so I'm trying to achieve that goal. ANYWAY, here are some... Read More »

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